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Sometimes after a long journey I craigslist dating seattle return home with such pleasure and happiness, that I feel myself like a baby that returns to its mother. "My home is my fortress", it is my territory, my place where I feel good and comfortable. And nobody can disturb me here A typical day goes something like this. We get craigslist dating seattle up around 6 a.m., wash, have some coffee and toasts, feed the dog and let him outside, bring the dog back in and leave for work. and craigslist dating seattle then I drive to the University (from our house craigslist dating seattle to her work is about three miles, from her work to the University is another three). I usually eat at the student union with my co-worker or other students. I pick craigslist dating seattle Martha up at her job and craigslist dating seattle we are back home by 5:30 p.craigslist dating seattle m. After changing into more comfortable clothes, we turn on the television to craigslist dating seattle watch the news while we prepare dinner. After dinner, we may study, go shopping, or craigslist dating seattle just relax and watch television or listen to music.
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